What To Expect


Sunday - 9am God wants you well faith activation class.. 10:30 bringing of the message. we believe we worship god best when we learn that he has empowered us and we become doers of the word: we will do our best to teach you. empowerment communities coming soon. Christ in you! Colossians 1:27 nO SUPER DUPERS! IT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY WORD. IGNORANCE HAS A PRICE (hOSEA 4:6 Luke 6:46-49 2Peter 1:1-5 Romans 8 etc..)

We Look Forward To Meeting You!

Welcome to THE SAME WORKS AND GREATER.  If Jesus told you, "Verily, verily I say to unto you.  He that believeth on Me, the works that I do he shall do also, and greater works than these shall he do".  John 14:12  Would you believe Him?  He did say that and it is an equal opportunity Word so either Jesus is wrong or those that disagree with this is are wrong. (Jesus is not wrong.  It is our traditions and ignorance that make the Word of God of no effect).   We will spend our time in educating the believer in the Word.  There may be some time for singing but if We have you for an hour or 3 a week We will that time to be spent giving you the Word as we do not want to waste your time.  Even if you are new to this we will work with the teachable. 


This will not resemble any of the 20th or 21st century powerless churches that lean heavily on the doctrines of failure created by men and religion.  Sometime there will be music but our purpose is not a temporary rise of emotionalism but to give you the Word.  The Gospel is empowering and Jesus has paid for it to be that way for those who will hear His word and do it (Luke 6:46-49 Jeremiah 1:12 Romans 10:17).

Family Friendly

Since much of our work here is to detox adults away from what the churchiness and what the world has taught them (Romans 12:2) we have everyone come as gather corporately at all ages as the kids often pick it up quicker than the adults.  


You will learn how to activate the faith of God in you.  It may take time and discipline for you to release the lies forged deep in tradition and grasp on to the simplicity of God's truth.  It wil take time, discipline perseverance but under the right Word you will prevail in many areas you thought not possible.  Philemon 1:6 John 8:31-32 Luke 6:46-49 Once we come to understand the love that God has towards us; that it is not Him causing the havoc in our life but it is due to our ignorance. He has provided His Word for us to use and implement on this side of Heaven to do or not to do (Luke 6:46-49).  It is an equal opportunity Word and the more we will learn to walk in Him AND SEE VICTORY ON THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN versus what religion has taught (Romans 8:6-7).  He has given us freewill to do the Word or to neglect it and we reap the results of that choice.  The good news is that it is an equal opportunity Word, you problems are not God's fault, and we can change our minds.  (Romans 12:2)

Biblical Teaching

Here at THE SAME WORKS AND GREATER we place a high priority on the preaching and teaching of God's Word.  THE GOSPEL IS GOOD NEWS!  "The Gospel is so simple we would need help to mess it up.  Unfortunately we have had a lot of help". Charles Capps